Pranayama Yoga

Learn Pranayama Yoga and get tips & information on Yoga. This blog promises to educate people on the art of Pranayama Yoga and its benefits. Keep visiting for latest updates.
Also visit Ramdev Yoga for all news & updates on Swami Ramdev, the leading Yoga guru of India.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Avoid Panic Attacks with Pranayama

Pranayama helps you not only to get away with panic attacks, but also adapt to preventive measures. But the advice of a physician should always be taken into consideration. Yoga and specifically pranayama helps to cope up with anxiety and panic attacks effectively.
We all go through hectic lifestyles and in that course, we generally get exposed to tremendous mental stress but its intensity varies. And, this is tolerated to different extents by different individuals. The “breaking point” is reached when anxiety level is crossed and gives mind tremors. When the mental stress reaches that threshold level, a panic attack occurs.
This panic disorder occurs in varied forms such as Social Anxiety Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Post-Traumatic Disorder etc. These attacks occur suddenly and are marked by increased heart beat rate, hot flashes, shortness of breath etc but pranayama gives a soothing and immediate relief. However, it should be done under the supervision of a yoga teacher.

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Saturday, September 27, 2008

Pranayama Chikitsa

Pranayama Chikitsa refers to the treatment of varied ailments by breathing exercises. These exercises may be mental or physical. Pranayama has been practices in India for ages. In many Vedas and Upanishads, one can find references to pranayama. However, the first formal teaching of pranayama was given by Maharishi Patanjali in the first century B.C.
Pranayama is the vital force of life energy. It relieves a person fro mental stress and sufferings. Pranayama in fact helps to attain mental, physical and spiritual peace and composure. It helps you to stimulate various systems of your body and promote harmony among the same that ultimately leads to good physical health. Also, it keeps you free from varied ailments and slows down the ageing process.
Pranyama should be done in early morning and on the floor. You should be wearing cotton clothes while practicing pranayama. But it should be clearly etched in your mind that pranayama should be done only under the supervision of a competent yoga guru. So get started with it now!

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Friday, September 26, 2008

Get rid of Osteoarthritis with Pranayama!

Osteoarthritis refers to inflammation and excessive pain in the joints. It occurs due to the imbalance in Vata Dosha. As a result, excessive accumulation of toxins and impurities (ama) take places due to physical and mental stress that gives rise to pain and inflammation in the lungs.
Pranayama helps to cope with this degenerative ailment. Due to our busy and hectic lifestyles, we are exposed to immense mental stress that leads to emotional imbalances and gives rise to deposition of toxins in the joints. Pranayama oxygenates the blood and removes the impurities from the blood and body. Stretching asanas when done in congruence with pranayama exercises help the person to relax and the release the cramps of the muscles.
Pranayama if done on a regular basis lessens the pain in the joints. If it is accompanied by sun salutation and Shavasana, it gives ample relaxation to muscles and joints. Stamina and strength building exercises will lend flexibility to the joints and enhance the blood and oxygen circulation in the body.

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Thursday, September 25, 2008

Different Types of Pranayama

Pranayama means force of life energy. It has three different types: Adhama, Madhyama and Uttama. Adhama means inferior, madhayama means middle and Uttama means superior. The first type of pranayama i.e., Adhama comprises of 12 mantras and Madhyama comprises of 24 mantras whereas Uttama comprises of 32 mantras. Pranayama has two basic steps: Puraka and Rechak. Puraka signifies inhalation and Rechak signifies exhalation. There is also an intermittent step called Kumbhaka which signifies retention.

It should be clear to the person doing pranayama that the ratio between these three steps is 1:4:2. In the initial phase, one should practice Adhama for approximately a month. Then, one should get started with Madhyama and continue practicing it for nearly 3 months.

Pranayama is generally regarded as a long procedure that has three components to it. However, the retention time is subject to variations in terms of space, time and frequency.
It is good to do it during early hours of the morning

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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Basics of Yoga Breathing Exercises

Yoga exercises are not hard to have command over. Breathing is the essence of life that involves a cycle of birth, sleep, activity and finally death. It is important to understand that you have to understand the advantages of these pranayama exercises. Get started with them at the earliest.
We should put in our efforts to motivate and work upon our breathing (pranayama) exercises. These are done to gain control over body as well as mind so that the body, mind and spirit are all under our control.
You also need to work upon physiology of pranayama exercises. Try to increase your lung capacity through deep breathing. Inhale and exhale for a longer period of time as it enhances the oxygenation of blood. You can repeat these exercises as many number of times as possible in a day.
Short-term benefits of doing these pranayama exercises are easily evident from the increased levels of energy and mental peace.

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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Get Happiness from Within!

Pranayama can do wonders. Are you feeling depressed and dejected for quite sometime now. Shed the depression and get started with pranayama under the supervision of a yoga teacher. Pranayama acts as a connecting link between body and mind. It serves as the beginning of happiness and spirituality. It can open doors of euphoria and mental peace for you. This can really do miracles for your personality.
When you start doing pranayama, you go beyond materialism and worldly affairs that give you required mental peace which you are desperately in search of. You go in a different world altogether where you can visualize snow-capped mountains and exotic locations, which can render you a lot of peace and happiness.
However, it should be clearly etched in our minds that you do not have to go anywhere seeking happiness. It is right there within you. You just have to be inquisitive enough to search for it.

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Monday, September 22, 2008

The Beginning of a Yoga Guru’s Career

Acquiring a yoga teacher certification is not that difficult as comprehended by most of the people around. When a person succeeds in getting a yoga certification, he is all set to begin his career as a yoga guru.
This day marks the start of a new phase in life of a yoga teacher since it is from here that he begins to learn about the body, mind and spirit. Each of these areas is quite huge and multidimensional but all these phases initiate the phase of self-introspection and self-development. Pranayama is one such exercise that a yoga teacher should concentrate on.
Yoga gurus should put in their efforts not to get allured by the materialistic lifestyle of the modern world. Rather, they should work out specific strategies to provide their students with relief from stress and anxiety. They should also come up with anger management pranayama exercises. A yoga guru should educate his students about asanas, pranayama, mudras etc.

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The Beginning of a Yoga Guru’s Career

Acquiring a yoga teacher certification is not that difficult as comprehended by most of the people around. When a person succeeds in getting a yoga certification, he is all set to begin his career as a yoga guru.
This day marks the start of a new phase in life of a yoga teacher since it is from here that he begins to learn about the body, mind and spirit. Each of these areas is quite huge and multidimensional but all these phases initiate the phase of self-introspection and self-development. Pranayama is one such exercise that a yoga teacher should concentrate on.
Yoga gurus should put in their efforts not to get allured by the materialistic lifestyle of the modern world. Rather, they should work out specific strategies to provide their students with relief from stress and anxiety. They should also come up with anger management pranayama exercises. A yoga guru should educate his students about asanas, pranayama, mudras etc.

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Sunday, September 21, 2008

Treatment of Asthma by Pranayama

Asthma is a respiratory tract disorder caused by inflammation of the airways of lungs. Common symptoms include dizziness, cough and wheezing. If one has poor breathing cycle, the symptoms may even worsen. Breathing exercises such as pranayama help relaxing the strained breathing muscles and improve the asthma and other respiratory problems. It is a breathing yoga technique that helps to lessen the intensity and frequency of asthma.
In addition, pranayama if done on a daily basis enhances the lung capacity and stamina of the patients. Also, pranayama facilitates the controlled breath. Pranayama as an exercise has two components: puraka and rechaka. Puraka signifies inhalation or intake of air and rechaka signifies exhalation or taking the breath out.
Puraka fills the entire respiratory tract with the required dose of fresh air. Rechaka causes the diaphragm to regain its original position and force out all the impurities. So get started with pranayama from today if you want to get rid of asthma!

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Saturday, September 20, 2008

Get Glowing Face by Pranayama

The word “Kapalbhati” is derived from two Sanskrit words “kapal” meaning forehead” and “bhati” meaning radiant. If Kapalbhati pranayama is done on a regular basis for sometime, get ready for a glowing face and enhanced beauty.
It is actually an abdominal breathing yoga technique that energizes your body efficiently. This imparts inner radiance that gives way to shining skin. In the initial phase, it should be done at least thrice. Now, let us take a glance at some of the major advantages of Kapalbhati:
· It detoxifies the lungs and whole respiratory tract.
· It brings about the oxygenation of blood.
· It improves the digestive system and strengthens the abdominal muscles.
· It relieves the mental stress.
However, people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, hernia, asthma and other respiratory disorders, dizziness, nausea etc should avoid practicing it. There are certain precautions that should be done in Kapalbhati such as avoiding contraction of abdomen during inhalation, avoiding contraction of shoulders during exhalation and avoid movement of shoulders during exercises.

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Friday, September 19, 2008

Anger Management with Pranayama

It’s a common observation that yoga instructors are calm, composed and even tempered. They slowly gain control over their anger and emotions by practicing yoga for years and years. The physically aggressive traits of their nature eventually disappear. Pranayama has the power to enable a person in releasing his anger and stress from his mind and body in a due course of time.
Try practicing the following pranayama technique and see what wonders it makes to your mind and body. Start inhalation and continue it for approximately four seconds, hold your breath for seven seconds and exhale in nearly eight seconds. Repeat it around four to five times. Slowly, you will become proficient in this exercise and it will relieve you of all your anger and evil emotions.
However, this exercise should be avoided in times of pregnancy, high blood pressure, breathing problems, headaches, nausea, etc. It is always advisable to see a doctor or physician before getting started with any breathing exercises.

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Thursday, September 18, 2008

Pranayama heals cancer!

Pranayama augments speedy recovery and healing. Pranayama techniques lead to meditation, breathing awareness and vision improvement. These also have a positive influence on the nervous system and triggers quick healing.
Stress has an adverse effect on healing. Cancer patients most often suffer from reduced movement. Pranayama strengthens muscles and increases flexibility and range of movement. This also improves the posture and body equilibrium. Cancer patients, therefore, enjoy a lot more independence and start enjoying their lives.
Cancer patients, once start enjoying free movement, do forget about the pain also. Now be alert to practice yoga in such a way that it’s challenging yourself. There will be temporary discomfort but eventually, it will provide tremendous relief and fast recovery.
Yoga instructors have to make sure that they make these cancer patients practice their pranayama lessons efficiently so that the road to recovery is smooth. While doing this, special attention has to be paid to the diets also.

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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Get rid of anxiety!

Our hectic lifestyles leave us with lots of anxiety at the end of the day. This anxiety gives rise to mental fatigue, hypertension and several other cardiovascular problems. In addition, tremendous amount of negative energy emanates from anxiety. Yoga proves to be a real stress buster. Pranayama (an excellent yoga technique) helps you get rid of anxiety in your day-to-day life.
Pranayama is a boon for people suffering from anxiety. Such people can try seven varied pranayama techniques and asanas that will definitely improve the physical, spiritual and mental well being.
One can easily get started with any of the following pranayama techniques to see the fast results: Nadi Shodhana Pranayama, Kapalbhati Pranayama, Ujjayi Pranayama, Udgeeth Pranayama, Bahaya Pranayama, Bhastrika Pranayama and Brahmari Pranayama .
If you practice these pranayama techniques regularly, you will son be relieved of the tremendous anxiety that you suffer from. But be cautious that in the initial phase, you do pranayama under the supervision of an efficient yoga teacher.

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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Learn Pranayama

So you want to get started with pranayama? It’s easy! All you need to learn is control over breathing thereby control over the vital energy of life. There are a number of pranayama techniques that you can learn and bring a difference to your body and life. Have a glance at the following pranayama techniques:
Ø Rhythmic Breathing: Most effective pranayama technique. You can do it while running, walking etc. You need to take a deep breath followed by forceful exhalation.
Ø Alom Vilom: Simplest pranayama technique. It improves blood circulation.
Ø Kapalbhati Pranayama: It improves circulatory system, sharpens memory and also benefits respiratory system. Patients suffering from various cardiac problems should not try this pranayama technique.
Ø Chandra Bhedi Pranayama: This pranayama technique lowers the temperature of your body and should be avoided during the winter season.
Ø Surya Bhedi Pranayama: It increases the temperature of your body and should be avoided during the summer season. Patients suffering from blood pressure problems should not attempt this pranayama technique.
Ø Bhramri Pranayama: It focuses your attention, sharpens your memory and also sweetens your voice.

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Monday, September 15, 2008

Feel Healthy with Pranayama

Pranayama is the most effective way to relieve yourself of all the mental fatigue. It pumps oxygen into your system and the oxygenated blood gets distributed to different organs and tissues of the body. Pranayama alters the rhythm of breathing by changed use of muscles of diaphragm. Improved oxygen intake improves your immune system and make rid of stressful moments.
When you concentrate completely on your breathing, you get positive energy from all sides. You get no chance to think about negative aspects of life and stress can no longer harm you in anyway.
Stress triggers the release of varied hormones into the body and increase your heart beat rate. Pranayama regularizes the breathing rates and lowers the increased blood pressure thereby relaxing your body. People who suffer from hypertension can get great relief if they practice pranayama regularly and properly. With a positive approach towards life, you can reach greater heights.

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Sunday, September 14, 2008

Improve Concentration with Pranayama

So you want to improve your concentration for better performance at work? It’s easy! Start practicing yoga from today. Pranayama and varied asanas will help you accomplish your aim. Pranayama calms your mind and assists you in getting rid of various intricacies of life.
Pranayama encompasses varied breathing techniques that enable your mind to focus on your body and increase concentration. You are taken away from any specific thoughts and focus on specific asanas. During pranayama, you focus on the quality of your breathing. There are a number of pranayama techniques that you can practice under the guidance of an expert yoga teacher.
Once you are proficient at pranayama techniques, you can also do multi tasking i.e., focus on a number of things simultaneously. Try doing these breathing exercises for long time. Empowering your physical prowess with mental and spiritual strength through increased concentration will help you become an achiever and lead a happy and comfortable life.

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Saturday, September 13, 2008

Pranayama (Yoga Breathing)

Pranayama forms an integral part of yoga. The word “pranayama” is derived from the two Sanskrit words, Prana (force of life) and Avama (control). Hence pranayama means control over force of life.
Breathing keeps the life going and forms one of the integral principles of yoga. Proper breathing promotes oxygenation of blood. This oxygenated blood is distributed to the different essential organs of the body thereby exercising controlling the life energy. Pranayama should be done simultaneously with Asanas. These yoga exercises bring about purification of blood and mental peace.
Pranayama comprises of a cycle of exercises that meet the different requirements of the body and keeps it fit. This yogic technique helps to keep the body away from varied ailments and cures if these persist. It also helps the body to flush out the toxins. Puraka (inhalation) transports oxygenated blood to the lungs and Rechak (exhalation) forces out toxins and impurities from the body.

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Friday, September 12, 2008

Behane Behane on Mahua Channel

Pranayama is an apt antidote to anxiety, mental stress, sleeplessness etc. Mahua, a famous bhojpuri channel, has started a new television programme called “Behane Behane”. The programme is telecasted daily in early morning from 7:30 am to 8:00 am, and is anchor based.
The programme is divided into three different segments. The first segment is dealt by yoga instructor Suneel Singh and the duration of this segment is 6 minutes. Second segment is interview with a famous Bhojpuri singer and the duration of this segment is 12 minutes. The last segment deals with a religious journey to the famous temples of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.
The yoga steps taught by the instructor are really effective for maintaining physical and mental well being. For the first time ever, yoga is being taught in bhojpuri language. Another highlight of the programme is that not only yoga, but also people are getting an opportunity to learn Japanese Shiastsu therapy.

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